Friday, December 16, 2011

Seniors- Ch. 6 Test

Ch. 6- Physical Development During the First Three Years 
Re-read the text. Study all notes.

1.       How does the cephalocaudal principle relate to brain growth in early childhood?
2.       Describe typical growth patterns during the first three years.
3.       Identify the advantages of breastfeeding. What does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend? The text says several factors would increase the prevalence of breastfeeding. What are they?
4.       When can solid foods be introduced to children? Do parents generally follow these guidelines?
5.       What is the central nervous system?
6.       Brain stem, cerebellum, cerebrum, corpus callosum
7.       What is lateralization?
8.       Define neurons. How does cell death relate to neurons.
9.       Define reflex.
10.   Identify primitive, postural, locomotor reflexes
11.   Explain plasticity and the brain.
12.   Read about the Romanian orphan study and results on pg 147.
13.   Read the autism section on page 144.
14. Explain the purpose and details of the Denver Developmental Screening test
15. Explain the development and progression of the 5 senses.
16. Explain Esther Thelan’s theory about the disappearance of the walking reflex and the role of the environment.
17. Explain the progression of an infant’s hand and head control.
18. What are the key milestones in motor development?
19. Define social referencing.
20. Explain the set-up, results, and purpose of the visual cliff experiment.
21. How do cultural differences affect motor development?
22. Know statistics about the infant mortality rate in the world and U.S.
23. SIDS- causes and precautions
24. Types of abuse
25. Long-term effects of abuse
26. Infant injuries.
27. Immunizations
28. Shaken Baby syndrome

Monday, December 5, 2011

Seniors- Ch. 6 Infant/Toddler Safety

646- Child Psychology
Infant/Toddler Safety Ages 0-3 years
20 points
Car(seat) safety
House safety (baby-proofing)
Toy safety
Babysitting safety
Mall/public safety (Amber alert)
Pet safety
Playground equipment safety
SIDS research
- Identify safety techniques/precautions for your chosen topic.
- Create a 10 slide powerpoint presentation (including title and article slide) to share with the class.
- Your slides must contain bullet point information, which is then expanded on through your explanations.
- Knowledge about your topic and eye contact is a must
- Find a newspaper article about your safety topic.
o Type in key words to google search, then click news
o Search newspaper archives on the internet (use the google news link to help you)
-                         Summarize the article on your 10th slide.