Monday, September 24, 2012

Child Psych- Ch. 4 Objectives

Ch. 4 Objectives pgs. 86-93; 102-104

1.     Explain how the cephalocaudal and proximodistal principles apply to prenatal development, and give examples.

2.     Summarize the development that occurs during the germinal stage.

3.     Identify 3 functions of the placenta.

4.     Explain why the embryonic stage is considered a critical period.

5.     Summarize the development that occurs during the embryonic stage.

6.     What factors increase the risk of a spontaneous abortion?

7.     Summarize development that takes place during the fetal stage.

8.     Summarize studies done to monitor fetal hearing, taste, and memory.

9.     What is the purpose of an ultrasound?

10. What is the trend in the U.S regarding prenatal care?

11. Why do rates of low birth weight and premature births continue to rise?

12. What are the 4 aspects of preconception care?

Child Psych- Ch. 4 Article

Thursday Sept 27th Class Assignment (Senior Retreat Day #1)

Read the article How the First Nine Months Shape the Rest of Your Life and answer the following questions in your notebook in note format.

1. Explain the field of "fetal origins," including the goals and claims involved.
2. Summarize David Barker's study  about the occurrence of heart disease in regions of England and Wales.
3. How is obesity linked to the prenatal environment?
4. How is type 2 diabetes linked to the prenatal environment?
5. How is air quality/pollution linked to the prenatal environment?
6. How is stress linked to the prenatal environment?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Child Psych- Ch. 3 Objectives Part 2

Ch. 3 objectives pgs 69-80

1.      Contrast aspects of dominant and recessive inheritance of defects.
2.      Identify factors associated with sex-linked inheritance.
3.      How do chromosomal abnormalities occur?
4.      Identify the causes and characteristics of Down syndrome and discuss the outlook for a child born with this disorder.
5.      What is genetic counseling? Be sure to read the genetic testing box on pg 75.
Discuss the benefits and risks of genetic testing.
6.      Tell how researchers determine the heritability of a trait.
7.      Identify 3 common types of studies of the influence of hereditary and environmental factors in development.
8.      Explain the concepts of reaction range and canalization, and give at least one example of each.
9.      Give an example of genotype-environment interaction.
10.  Identify and explain 3 types of genotype-environment correlation.
11.  Explain why siblings tend to be more different than alike in intellect and personality, and why each experiences a unique environment within the family.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Child Psych- Ch. 3 Objectives

Pgs. 57-68

1.       Identify past theories and beliefs about conception.
2.    What happens during ovulation and fertilization? Define zygote.
3.       What is infertility? Identify causes and treatments for males and females.
4.       Cite the difference between monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins. (read green box on pg 62)
5.     Define DNA, chromosomes, genes, genetic code
6.       Define autosomes and sex chromosomes.
7.       How is the sex of the child determined? When does the embryo develop male or female   
8.    Define alleles and identify the difference between homozygous and heterozygous transmission.
9.       Contrast dominant and recessive inheritance.
10.       What is meant by polygenic inheritance?
11.    Identify the difference between genotype and phenotype.
12.       How is multifactorial transmission linked to both genotype and environment?
13.   (skip epigenesis)