Ch. 7 pgs 189-199
1. Define language.
2. Define prelinguistic speech.
3. Explain the progression of prelinguistic speech: crying, cooing, babbling. Include ages.
4. When can infants perceive sounds in all languages? In their native language?
5. When do babies lose their sensitivity to sounds that are not part of their native language?
6. Explain the study on pg 191 about how babies become aware of :rules" in their language.
7. Explain the sequence of gestures used by babies. Distinguish between conventional social, representational, and symbolic gestures.
8. How should parents use gestures to help with language development?
9. Define linguistic speech. When does it begin?
10. Define holophrase.
11. What is the difference between passive and active (spoken) vocabulary?
12. What part of speech is an English-speaking child's first word?
13. Define telegraphic speech. When does it occur?
14. When does a naming explosion take place?
15. Define syntax. When are children more competent of sentence structure?
16. Define underextension. Provide an example.
17. Define overextension. Provide an example.
18. Define overregularization. Provide an example.
19. Explain Noam Chomsky's theory of nativism. What is the role of the LAD. Criticims?
20. Explain B.F Skinner's social learning theory. Criticisms?
21. Relate both theories to how deaf children learn sign language.
22. In 98% of people, the ______ hemisphere is dominant for language.
23. Explain the influence of the mother on speech and vocabulary development.
24. What is child-directed speech?
Ch. 10 pgs 270-274; Ch. 13 pgs 351-353 (top): Make sure you READ these pages in addition to studying the objectives below
1. Explain vocabulary development from age 3 to 6 to high school
2. Explain fast mapping
3. Explain the grammar/syntax of a 3 year old, 4-5 yr old, 5-7 yr old
4. Define pragmatics
5. Define social speech
6. Define private speech.
7. Explain Piaget's and Vygotsky's viewpoint about private speech
8. What are causes of delayed language development?
9. What is the fate of children with language delays? Be specific.
10. Define emergent literacy
11. Two types of prereading skills
12. Why is reading to children the most effective path to literacy?
13. Explain the two different approaches to reading
14. Explain the acquisition of writing skills
15. All bilingual topics
Include video sheets (2)
Include articles (3): Genie, Hearing Bilingual , Rx Read to Your Baby
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sophomores- Hawaii's Last Queen
After watching the documentary, "Hawaii's Last Queen," you should have a better understanding of imperialism and the motives that cause strong nations to overpower weaker nations. You saw Queen Liliuokalini's unsuccessful struggle to keep her Hawaiian people independent of foreign rule. You witnessed her faith in the American government as she gave up her throne with optimistic thoughts that her power would be restored in the near future. As we know, this was not the case. Hawaii was annexed as an American territory in 1898 and eventually became the 50th state in 1959.
Answer the following in 2 separate paragraphs on a separate word document.
In your reflection of the documentary, explain how Americans gained political and economic power in Hawaii. Be sure to include specific details about the missionaries, Queen Liliuokalini's childhood, foreign influences on Hawaiian culture, etc. Use your video question sheet and answers to help with this paragraph. This should be a well-developed paragraph. (8-10 sentences)
In addition, write a short paragraph about the way the story was portrayed through the Queen's perspective. You often heard excerpts from her diary that described her thoughts and feelings. Was this an effective way to tell the story? Do you think the program tried to persuade viewers to sympathize with the Hawaiian queen and people? What were your thoughts and feelings? Be specific in your argument in providing details from the documentary. This should also be a well-developed paragraph. (8-10 sentences)
Due: Friday
Value: 10 points
Answer the following in 2 separate paragraphs on a separate word document.
In your reflection of the documentary, explain how Americans gained political and economic power in Hawaii. Be sure to include specific details about the missionaries, Queen Liliuokalini's childhood, foreign influences on Hawaiian culture, etc. Use your video question sheet and answers to help with this paragraph. This should be a well-developed paragraph. (8-10 sentences)
In addition, write a short paragraph about the way the story was portrayed through the Queen's perspective. You often heard excerpts from her diary that described her thoughts and feelings. Was this an effective way to tell the story? Do you think the program tried to persuade viewers to sympathize with the Hawaiian queen and people? What were your thoughts and feelings? Be specific in your argument in providing details from the documentary. This should also be a well-developed paragraph. (8-10 sentences)
Due: Friday
Value: 10 points
Sophomores- The Annexation of Hawaii
Read The Annexation of Hawaii on the Digital History textbook website and answer the following questions in complete sentences. Answer on a separate word document.
1. What happened on January 17, 1893?
2. In what year did Hawaii become the 50th state? What percent of islanders supported statehood?
3. What were several arguments of the businessmen who conspired to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani?
4. Who was Sanford Dole?
5. Why did the joint resolution easily pass in Congress in 1900?
6. What percent of the Hawaiian population is made up of natives?
7. Why does Hawaii have one of the most diverse populations?
8. What did President Bill Clinton do in 1993?
Due: Friday
Value: 8 points
1. What happened on January 17, 1893?
2. In what year did Hawaii become the 50th state? What percent of islanders supported statehood?
3. What were several arguments of the businessmen who conspired to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani?
4. Who was Sanford Dole?
5. Why did the joint resolution easily pass in Congress in 1900?
6. What percent of the Hawaiian population is made up of natives?
7. Why does Hawaii have one of the most diverse populations?
8. What did President Bill Clinton do in 1993?
Due: Friday
Value: 8 points
Sophomores- The 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawaii
Go to the National Archives page to read The 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawaii.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate word document.
1. When did the first European set foot on Hawaii? Who was it?
2. Identify several influences of European and American settlers in Hawaii.
3. What reciprocity treaty did King Kalakaua sign with the U.S?
4. What was the "Bayonet Constitution?"
5.Who was James Blount? What did he discover?
6. What other events caused U.S. leaders to lean towards annexation?
Due: Friday
Value: 6 points
Answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate word document.
1. When did the first European set foot on Hawaii? Who was it?
2. Identify several influences of European and American settlers in Hawaii.
3. What reciprocity treaty did King Kalakaua sign with the U.S?
4. What was the "Bayonet Constitution?"
5.Who was James Blount? What did he discover?
6. What other events caused U.S. leaders to lean towards annexation?
Due: Friday
Value: 6 points
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Seniors- Ch. 7 Language: Nature or Nurture?
In chapter 7, we revisit the underlying debate in child development; which has more of an influence, nature or nurture? This debate also applies to language development. Traditionally, there are two theories on how children acquire the ability to use language. Noam Chomsky's nativist theory emphasizes the role of inborn characteristics, while B.F. Skinner's social learning theory emphasizes the role on the surrounding environment on language development.
Your task is to pick ONE side of the debate and argue why you think either the nativist theory or social learning theory has MORE of an influence on language development. Include details about your chosen theory to support your answer. Provide counter-arguments for the criticisms of your chosen theory. Also, incorporate how deaf children's sign language development can add to your supporting points. After you answer the previous questions, you may add other examples from class (Genie article, notes, videos) to strengthen your debate.
Respond to the blog
Length: 15 sentences
Due: Monday, January 30th
Value: 10 points

Respond to the blog
Length: 15 sentences
Due: Monday, January 30th
Value: 10 points
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Sophomores- Midterm Review Guide
Format: 160 objective questions (bring #2 pencil); critical reading section; short essays
Possible short essay topics:
- Why did England want colonies in America? According to the theory of mercantilism, what was the purpose of the American colonies?
- The process in which one is elected President of the United States, including the role of the electoral college and popular vote.
- The impact of the Great Compromise on how our government works today as a bicameral (Senate and House of Representatives) legislature
- How the invention of the cotton gin relates and connects all three themes of Antebellum America (westward expansion, industrialization, and slavery)
- The purpose of Ben Franklin's Join or Die political cartoon. During which conflict was it first published? What group used it during the Revolutionary period? Symbolism and meaning?
- The differing views of Democrats and Republicans during the Reconstruction era regarding civil rights.
- How Abraham Lincoln changed his views and stance on slavery from the time he was elected president in 1860 to the time of his death in 1865. Provide specific supporting details.
- Arguments for and against big business in American during the Gilded Age (post- Civil War era)
Possible short essay topics:
- Why did England want colonies in America? According to the theory of mercantilism, what was the purpose of the American colonies?
- The process in which one is elected President of the United States, including the role of the electoral college and popular vote.
- The impact of the Great Compromise on how our government works today as a bicameral (Senate and House of Representatives) legislature
- How the invention of the cotton gin relates and connects all three themes of Antebellum America (westward expansion, industrialization, and slavery)
- The purpose of Ben Franklin's Join or Die political cartoon. During which conflict was it first published? What group used it during the Revolutionary period? Symbolism and meaning?
- The differing views of Democrats and Republicans during the Reconstruction era regarding civil rights.
- How Abraham Lincoln changed his views and stance on slavery from the time he was elected president in 1860 to the time of his death in 1865. Provide specific supporting details.
- Arguments for and against big business in American during the Gilded Age (post- Civil War era)
Unit 1: Early Exploration and Colonization (Chapters 1,2,3)
1. Christopher Columbus: Changing views of the 400th and 500th anniversary
2. Define colony
3. What was the Columbian Exchange?
4. What was the Jamestown colony?
5. Describe a representative government
6. Who were the Pilgrims? Why did they leave Europe?
7. What was the Mayflower Compact?
8. Who were the Puritans? Why did they leave England?
9. Define religious tolerance
10. Why were the Salem Witch Trials significant?
11. Define Proprietary colony
12. Define Royal colony
13. Who were the Quakers? Who was their leader?
14. What are several characteristics of the Middle Colonies
15. Define Mason-Dixon Line
16. Why was Georgia founded? Who was the leader?
17. What are several characteristics of the Southern colonies
18. John Smith
19. James Oglethorpe
20. Anne Hutchinson
21. William Bradford
22. Thomas Hooker
23. Jonathan Edwards
24. John Winthrop
25. Define Mercantilism
26. Balance of trade
27. Define Exports
28. Define Imports
29. Great Awakening; What was it ? What was its impact? Who was a leader?
30. What was the Enlightenment? Why is Ben Franklin the best example of an Enlightenment thinker?
Unit 2: The American Revolution and Formation of Early Government (Ch. 4, 5)
1. What was the French and Indian War? Why did it happen?
2. What was significant about the Albany Plan of Union?
3. Proclamation of 1763:
4. Define Sugar act
5. Define Stamp act
6. What does “No taxation without representation” mean?
7. Define Boycott
8. Who was Sam Adams?
9. Who was John Adams?
10. Who were the Sons of Liberty?
11. Join or Die political cartoon meaning
12. What happened at the Boston Massacre?
13. Why did John Adams defend the British soldiers?
14. Why did Britain impose the Intolerable Acts on the colonies? What were they?
15. Why are the Battles of Lexington and Concord important?
16. First Continental Congress:
17. Define Patriots
18. Define Loyalists
19. Who wrote Common Sense? What was its impact?
20. When was the Declaration of Independence made official?
21. Who wrote the Declaration?
22. What were the 3 main parts of the Declaration?
23. What are two reasons why American won the Revolutionary War?
24. George Washington
25. Thomas Jefferson
26. John Dickinson
27. John Hancock
28. Thomas Paine
29. Paul Revere
30. Caesar Rodney
31. What is a constitution?
32. Define the Articles of Confederation
33. What was the Constitutional Convention?
34. 3 branches of government and powers
35. Who was the father of the constitution
36. What is included in the New Jersey Plan? The Virginia Plan?
37. How did the Great Compromise solve the problem in #4?
38. Define the Three-Fifths Compromise
39. What’s the difference between Federalists and Antifederalists?
40. What are the Bill of Rights?
41. What freedoms are included in the 1st amendment? The 4th amendment?
42. What happened in the Tinker v Des Moines case? What was the result?
43. What happened in the Mapp v Ohio case? The result? What is the exclusionary rule?
Unit 3: Antebellum America: (Ch. 6-10)
1. Election of 1800- Name who won? Antifederalist or Federalist?
2. What was the Louisiana Purchase
3. What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
4. Who was the War of 1812 fought between? Why? Results?
5. Define manifest destiny
6. John O’Sullivan
7. California Gold Rush
8. Define Industrial Revolution?
9. Define capital; capitalist
10. Francis Cabot Lowell
11. Samuel Slater
12. Define factory system
13. What are interchangeable parts?
14. Who were the Lowell girls?
15. What is urbanization?
16. What is meant by division of labor?
17. Andrew Jackson
18. Define the Indian Removal Act
19. Define the Trail of Tears
20. Where did most immigrants come from between 1820-1860?
21. Where did they tend to settle?
22. How did immigrants affect American industry?
23. Who were nativists? Why did they oppose immigrants?
24. Define Abolitionists
25. Who was Frederick Douglass?
26. What is the underground railroad?
27. Why is Harriet Tubman called “Black Moses?”
28. Why was Uncle Tom’s Cabin important?
29. What was decided in the Dred Scott case?
30. Why was John Brown considered a martyr?
Unit 4- The Civil War and Reconstruction (Ch. 11, 12)
1. List some strengths and weaknesses of both the north and south at the start of the Civil War
2. What was Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation?
3. Colonel Robert Shaw
4. Why was the election of 1860 significant?
5. Why was Abraham Lincoln a changed at the start of his 2nd term?
6. Why is the 54th Massachusetts Regiment important?
7. Why was Gettysburg a turning point?
8. Pickett’s Charge
9. What important points did Lincoln make in the Gettysburg Address?
10. Jefferson Davis
11. Robert E Lee
12. Ulysses S Grant
13. How was the North different from the south after the Civil War?
14. Define Freedmen
15. Define Reconstruction
16. What was the Freedmen’s Bureau?
17. Define 13th amendment
18. Define Black codes
19. Define 14th amendment
20. Define 15th amendment
21. Who were the Ku Klux Klan? What was their goal?
22. Andrew Johnson
23. Lincoln’s 10% plan
24. Enforcement Act of 1870
25. KKK
26. Nathan Bedford
27. End of reconstruction- successes and failures
Unit 5: Post-Civil War America (Ch. 13, 14, 15)
1. Impact of the transcontinental railroad
2. Impact of the Bessemer process
3. Andrew Carnegie
4. John Rockefeller
5. Arguments for robber barons or captains of industry
6. Monopoly, horizontal and vertical consolidation
7. Social Darwinism
8. Gospel of wealth
9. Sherman Antitrust Act
10. Socialism
11. Reasons for labor unions
12. Membership and goals of the Knights of Labor
13. Membership and goals of the American Federation of Labor
14. Collective bargaining
15. What impact did strikes (Pullman, Haymarket, Homestead) have on the reputation of unions
16. Pull factors to the West- Pacific Railway Act, Homestead Act
17. Push factors to the West
18. Differing ideas of land ownership between Native Americans and Americans
19. Why did myths develop on the western frontier?
20. Turner Thesis
21. American Exceptionalism
22. Who were Populists? Goals?
23. William Jennings Bryan’s Cross of Gold Speech in 1896 election
24. How did the legacy of the Populists live on?
25. “New” immigrants; from where? Settlement? Ghettos
26. Chinese Exclusion Act, Gentlemen’s Agreement
27. How did cities grow? Challenges?
28. Tenements
29. Jacob Riis- How the Other Half Lives
30. Political machines and bosses
31. Boss William Tweed
32. Thomas Nast and the significance of his political cartoons
Seniors- Midterm Guide
Exam format: 155 objective (bring a #2 pencil); critical reading section; short essays
Chapter 1- Studying a Child’s World
1. Early approaches to studying child dev
2. History of adolescence
3. Quantitative, qualitative changes
4. Cognitive, physical, psychosocial dev.
5. Stage of most rapid growth
6. Individual differences
7. Parenting styles
8. Nuclear, extended, blended, multigenerational family
9. Maturation
10. Discontinuity of growth rate
11. Asynchronous growth
12. Critical periods
13. Impact of socioeconomic status
14. Charles Darwin
15. Jean Itard
16. John Locke
17. John Dewey
18. G Stanley Hall
19. Maria Montessori
20. Alfred Binet
21. Ages and stages of child development
Chapter 3- Forming a New Life: Conception, Heredity, and Environment
1. Nature v Nurture debate
2. Fertilization
3. Uterus, ovaries, fallopian tube
4. Identical vs fraternal twins
5. Impact of fertility drugs
6. Infertility in men, women
7. In vitro fertilization
8. Chromosome; #
9. Sex chromosome for man, woman
10. Multifactorial trait
11. Heterozygous, homozygous
12. Genotype, phenotype
13. Recessive, dominant inheritance
14. Tay Sachs, Sickle cell, Cystic fibrosis, PKU, Down Syndrome
15. Huntington’s disease
16. Genetic counseling
17. Gene therapy
18. Canalization
19. Reaction Range
20. Genotype-environment interaction
21. Genotype-environment correlation
22. Nonshared environmental effects
23. Concordance
24. Schizophrenia, autism
Chapter 4- Pregnancy and Prenatal Development
1. 3 prenatal stages and characteristics
2. Descriptions of what happens in each trimester (ch 4 worksheet)
3. When time is the best for a couple’s chances of getting pregnant?
4. Menstrual age, gestational age
5. Cephalocaudal, proximodistal principles
6. Time of prenatal most rapid growth
7. Time of most vulnerable prenatally
8. Causes of miscarriages
9. Function of placenta, amniotic sac, umbilical cord
10. Folic acid
11. Exercise during pregnancy
12. Effects of smoking, caffeine, cocaine on prenatal development
13. Recommended weight gain during pregnancy
14. Developmental differences between the sexes
15. Lanugo
16. Quickening; when?
17. Lightening
18. Terotogen
19. What senses are functioning during prenatal period
20. Prenatal development alcohol, medical drugs, AIDS, teenager, Rh factor
21. Uses for ultrasound, amniocentesis, CVS
22. Fetal welfare vs mothers’ rights- unborn victims of violence act
23. Cephalocaudal, proximodistal principles
Chapter 5- Birth and the Newborn Baby
1. What happens in 1st, 2nd, 3rd stages of childbirth
2. Presentations of the baby (vertex, transverse, frank, footling)
3. Parturition
4. Electronic fetal monitoring; pros and cons
5. Reasons for c-section
6. Prepared childbirth, natural childbirth
7. Dick-Reed; Lamaze
8. Midwife, doula
10. Pros and cons of using anesthesia in childbirth- walking epidural
11. Neonatal period
12. Degrees of postpartum illness
13. Anoxia
14. Purpose of fontanels
15. Apgar score and characteristics
16. Small for date, premature, low birthweight baby
17. Types of care for premature babies to gain weight faster
18. Dr. Al’s study
19. Kauai study
20. Imprinting
21. Mother-infant bond
22. State of arousal
23. Patterns of newborns
24. Colic baby
25. Average cost of delivery (regular) without insurance
Chapter 6- Physical Development During the First Three Years
1. Height, weight, sleep patterns of infants
2. Describe 1 yr vs 3 yr old- physical looks
3. What are the patterns of physical development
4. Baby’s head/brain size and characteristics
5. American Academy of Pediatrics suggestion for infant nutrition
6. Advantages of breast feeding
7. Define central nervous system, plasticity, reflexes
8. Moro, rooting, Darwinian reflexes
9. What does the text say about infants and pain? Touch? Smell? Taste? Hearing? Vision?
10. Motor characteristics (fine and gross) of a 4 month old? 12 month old
11. Denver Developmental Screening Test
12. Purpose of visual cliff? Findings?
13. Development of pincer grasp
14. The role of culture in motor development
15. Top causes of infant mortality
16. Impact of infant walkers
17. Causes of SIDS
18. Immunizations
Chapter 7- Cognitive Development in the First Three Years
1. Refer to all ch. 7 objectives (pgs 168-188)
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