Thursday, January 12, 2012

Seniors- Midterm Guide

Exam format: 155 objective (bring a #2 pencil); critical reading section; short essays

Chapter 1- Studying a Child’s World
1.        Early approaches to studying child dev
2.        History of adolescence
3.        Quantitative, qualitative changes
4.        Cognitive, physical, psychosocial dev.
5.        Stage of most rapid growth
6.        Individual differences
7.        Parenting styles
8.        Nuclear, extended, blended, multigenerational family
9.        Maturation
10.     Discontinuity of growth rate
11.     Asynchronous growth
12.     Critical periods
13.     Impact of socioeconomic status
14.     Charles Darwin
15.     Jean Itard
16.     John Locke
17.     John Dewey
18.     G Stanley Hall
19.     Maria Montessori
20.     Alfred Binet
21.     Ages and stages of child development
Chapter 3- Forming a New Life: Conception, Heredity, and Environment
1.        Nature v Nurture debate
2.        Fertilization
3.        Uterus, ovaries, fallopian tube
4.        Identical vs fraternal twins
5.        Impact of fertility drugs
6.        Infertility in men, women
7.        In vitro fertilization
8.        Chromosome; #
9.        Sex chromosome for man, woman
10.     Multifactorial trait
11.     Heterozygous, homozygous
12.     Genotype, phenotype
13.     Recessive, dominant inheritance
14.     Tay Sachs, Sickle cell, Cystic fibrosis, PKU, Down Syndrome
15.     Huntington’s disease
16.     Genetic counseling
17.     Gene therapy
18.     Canalization
19.     Reaction Range
20.     Genotype-environment interaction
21.     Genotype-environment correlation
22.     Nonshared environmental effects
23.     Concordance
24.     Schizophrenia, autism
Chapter 4- Pregnancy and Prenatal Development
1.        3 prenatal stages and characteristics
2.        Descriptions of what happens in each trimester (ch 4 worksheet)
3.        When time is the best for a couple’s chances of getting pregnant?
4.        Menstrual age, gestational age
5.        Cephalocaudal, proximodistal principles
6.        Time of prenatal most rapid growth
7.        Time of most vulnerable prenatally
8.        Causes of miscarriages
9.        Function of placenta, amniotic sac, umbilical cord
10.     Folic acid
11.     Exercise during pregnancy
12.     Effects of smoking, caffeine, cocaine on prenatal development
13.     Recommended weight gain during pregnancy
14.     Developmental differences between the sexes
15.     Lanugo
16.     Quickening; when?
17.     Lightening
18.     Terotogen
19.     What senses are functioning during prenatal period
20.     Prenatal development alcohol, medical drugs,  AIDS, teenager,  Rh factor
21.     Uses for ultrasound, amniocentesis, CVS
22.     Fetal welfare vs mothers’ rights- unborn victims of violence act
23.     Cephalocaudal, proximodistal principles
Chapter 5- Birth and the Newborn Baby
1.        What happens in 1st, 2nd, 3rd stages of childbirth
2.        Presentations of the baby (vertex, transverse, frank, footling)
3.        Parturition
4.        Electronic fetal monitoring; pros and cons
5.        Reasons for c-section
6.        Prepared childbirth, natural childbirth
7.        Dick-Reed; Lamaze
8.        Midwife, doula
9.        VBAC
10.     Pros and cons of using anesthesia in childbirth- walking epidural
11.     Neonatal period
12.     Degrees of postpartum illness
13.     Anoxia
14.     Purpose of fontanels
15.     Apgar score and characteristics
16.     Small for date, premature, low birthweight baby
17.     Types of care for premature babies to gain weight faster
18.     Dr. Al’s study
19.     Kauai study
20.     Imprinting
21.     Mother-infant bond
22.     State of arousal
23.     Patterns of newborns
24.     Colic baby
25.     Average cost of delivery (regular) without insurance
Chapter 6- Physical Development During the First Three Years
1.        Height, weight, sleep patterns of infants
2.        Describe 1 yr vs 3 yr old- physical looks
3.        What are the patterns of physical development
4.        Baby’s head/brain size and characteristics
5.        American Academy of Pediatrics suggestion for infant nutrition
6.        Advantages of breast feeding
7.        Define central nervous system, plasticity, reflexes
8.        Moro, rooting, Darwinian reflexes
9.        What does the text say about infants and pain? Touch? Smell? Taste? Hearing? Vision?
10.     Motor characteristics (fine and gross) of a 4 month old? 12 month old
11.     Denver Developmental Screening Test
12.     Purpose of visual cliff? Findings?
13.     Development of pincer grasp
14.     The role of culture in motor development
15.     Top causes of infant mortality
16.     Impact of infant walkers
17.     Causes of SIDS
18.     Immunizations
Chapter 7- Cognitive Development in the First Three Years 
1.        Refer to all ch. 7 objectives (pgs 168-188)

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