Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sophs- Oral History Research

623- American History                                                          Due: Mon, March 5th
Oral History Research Paragraphs

Using at least 3 secondary sources you will type two well-developed paragraphs about your chosen topic. Paragraphs are required to be at least 8-10 sentences. The writing must be paraphrased in your own words.  Plagiarism will not be accepted and will result in the grade of a zero. Use the MLA format as a guide. 

In order to have a thorough understanding of your event, you are required to use at least three secondary sources (books, websites that end in .edu, .gov,.org)
In your research, look for the background information of your chosen event. When did it happen? Where did it happen? Why did it occur? What was the impact of your event on America and Americans? Be specific in your details and remember to put this information in your own words.

These two research paragraphs will eventually be the introductory part of your final paper. You want to set the stage for the reader so that the reader can have a full understanding of your event before you portray your three interviewee’s stories.  Use 12 font, Times New Roman. One-inch margins. Double space.
Delle Cave 1
Your name
Mrs. Delle Cave
623-American History
23 February 2012

Title of Event

            Start your first paragraph here…….

Works Cited:
This goes at the end of your paper ON A SEPARATE PAGE.  Title the page Works Cited. Follow the MLA format guide on our school’s library link. You must have at least one book as a source.  Put your sources in alphabetical order.

Website Example:
    Lynch, Tim. "DSN Trials and Tribble-ations Review." Psi Phi: Bradley's
Science Fiction Club. 1996. Bradley University. 8 Oct. 1997 <http://

Book Example:
    Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. Star Trek Chronology: The History
 of the Future. New York: Pocket, 1993.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Seniors- Ch. 8 Objectives

Pgs. 204-212

1. Define personality, psychosocial development, and emotions
2. How does culture influence displays of emotions? (Asian vs. American culture)
3. What are the 1st signs of emotions?
4. Explain the progression of smiling and laughter. Social smiling? Anticipatory smiling?
5. How is emotional development an orderly process?
6. Emotions at birth?
7. What are the self-conscious emotions and when do they develop?
8. Define self-awareness.
9. What are the self-evaluative emotions and when do they develop?
11. Define altruistic behavior.
12. What is empathy? How can it be seen in early infancy?
13. What are mirror neurons?
14. How does empathy depend on social cognition?
15. What does Piaget say about egocentrism and the development of social cognition?
17. Define temperament.
18. What were the goals and set-up of the New York Longitudinal Study (Thomas and Chess)?
19. Explain the three categories in which children were classified.
20. How stable is temperament?
21. Explain the goodness of fit model.
22. What are the conclusions of the Kagan study from the text about shyness and boldness?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sophs- Unit 6 Objectives

Ch. 17 Becoming a World Power

- Study world map
- HI video sheet
- HI blogs
- Re-read chapter 17, sections 1-4

- What is imperialism?
- 4 reasons for imperialism
- Progression of U.S. foreign policy: G.W through William Seward; Monroe Doctrine
- Arguments for and against imperialism
- Alfred Mahan argument
- When was Alaska annexed? Hawaii?
- How did Americans gain power in Hawaii? Role of missionaries
- Contrast the leadership styles of Queen Liliuokalani and King Kalakaua
- Causes of Spanish-American War
- Why did U.S get involved?
- Role of yellow journalism
- T. Roosevelt- Rough Riders
- Debate over empire
- Lands acquired after Spanish-Amer war
- Who was William McKinley?
- Open Door Policy/ Sphere of Influence in China
- Why did the U.S seek to build a canal in Panama?
- How did the U.S gain access to the isthmus?
- Effects of the Panama Canal?
- Roosevelt Corollary
- Why did some people believe racism was at work in imperialism?
- What were 3 economic arguments raised by the anti-imperialists?
- What was significant about the tour of the Great White Fleet?