Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sophs- Unit 6 Objectives

Ch. 17 Becoming a World Power

- Study world map
- HI video sheet
- HI blogs
- Re-read chapter 17, sections 1-4

- What is imperialism?
- 4 reasons for imperialism
- Progression of U.S. foreign policy: G.W through William Seward; Monroe Doctrine
- Arguments for and against imperialism
- Alfred Mahan argument
- When was Alaska annexed? Hawaii?
- How did Americans gain power in Hawaii? Role of missionaries
- Contrast the leadership styles of Queen Liliuokalani and King Kalakaua
- Causes of Spanish-American War
- Why did U.S get involved?
- Role of yellow journalism
- T. Roosevelt- Rough Riders
- Debate over empire
- Lands acquired after Spanish-Amer war
- Who was William McKinley?
- Open Door Policy/ Sphere of Influence in China
- Why did the U.S seek to build a canal in Panama?
- How did the U.S gain access to the isthmus?
- Effects of the Panama Canal?
- Roosevelt Corollary
- Why did some people believe racism was at work in imperialism?
- What were 3 economic arguments raised by the anti-imperialists?
- What was significant about the tour of the Great White Fleet?

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