Monday, May 7, 2012

Sophs- Unit 11 WWII Test Guidelines

Unit 11- WWII Test Guidelines- Ch. 24 and 25

Extra Resources:
- "Over the Edge"- video sheet
- "The Home Front"- video sheet
- Map of Europe 
- Holocaust blog assignment

1. Causes of WWII (4)
2. Joseph Stalin- Totalitarian Government
3. Benito Mussolini- Fascist Government
4. Afolf Hitler- Nazi Germany
5. Japan- rise of military leaders
6. U.S. Neutrality Acts
7. Lend-Lease Act
8. Munich Agreement- Between Hitler and Chamberlain
9. Atlantic Charter- Churchill and FDR
10. Nonagression Pact- Hitler and Stalin
11. Pearl Harbor Attack- Date, quote, what happened next day?
12. FDR's Four Freedoms
13. Selective Training and Service Act
14. Rationing, Victory Gardens, War Bonds, "The War Effort"
15. Role of women- "Rosie the Riveter"
16. Role of African Americans- Double V Campaign, Tuskagee Airmen
17. Japanese internment camps- reason?
18. Axis countries vs Allies countries
19. Allied strategy at beginning of war
20. Significance of D-Day, Battle of the Bulge
21. V-E Day- date
22. Yalta Conference
23. The Holocaust- Nuremburg Trials
24. Island hopping
25. Kamikaze warfare
26. President Truman's options for attacking Japan
27. Potsdam Declaration
28. 2 atomic bombs- Hiroshima and Nagasaki (dates)
29. V-J Day

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sophs- The Holocaust

Antisemitism began in Germany in 1933. 9 million Jews lived across European countries that would eventually be taken over by Germany. 6 million Jews died by 1945. That means 2 out of every 3 Jews perished from Nazi genocide.

Your task is to read about the Nazi rule, Jews in prewar Germany, the "Final Solution", Nazi concentration camps, and rescue from the camps. To do this, visit the official site of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum at

Answer all questions on a WORD DOCUMENT in MLA format.

1. Under the Nazi Rule section, read about why the Nazis also directed their hatred towards handicapped individuals, titled The Murder of the Handicapped. Summarize why the Nazis targeted the handicapped in the T-4/ Euthanasia program.
2. Read about the background to Auschwitz, the largest concentration camp established by the Germans. Explain the setting of the camp, daily life in the camp, impossible escapes, and longevity of prisoners.

3. The Soviet solders were the first to liberate Jews from the camps in 1944. Read and summarize the liberation experience faced by the Allied soldiers, what they saw, and the reactions of the survivors. 
4. Look at all 3 pages of photographs on the site. Choose the photograph that stands out to you the most. Identify the photograph and be sure to state your reasons why it "caught your eye."

5. Lastly, browse away from the Holocaust website to find other acts of genocide (look up this word if you don't know what it means). The term genocide didn't officially exist until the 1940's, so you may need to alter your search words to find examples pre-1940. Use any credible source to find your answer.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sophs- Oral History Final Paper

623- American History 

Oral History Final Report

Objective: Explain the story of a historical event or influential person through the perspectives of three people who lived during the time.  Your research and 3 interviews conducted will be used to write the final paper.
Due: Tuesday, May 22nd  
Note: All papers must be turned in at the beginning of your class period. NO exceptions. DO NOT email your paper to me. If you do not have your paper or are absent the day it is due, your paper will be considered late and points will be deducted.

Your Guidelines:
Follow the format for a MLA paper.  (See sample page on the back)
-          In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the course, and the date. Again, be sure to use double-spaced text.
-          Double-space the text of your paper, and use Times Roman font. The font size should be 12 pt. One inch margins.
-          Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin

1st section (1-2 paragraphs): Introduction/ Background information
-          Use your topic research paper to describe the historical event. 
-          This will provide background information for the reader.
-          Set the stage with this paragraph by bringing the reader back to the time the event occurred. 
-          Be specific and detailed.
-          Be sure to focus on the over all impact of your event on American lives.
-          The last sentence of this paragraph should state your over all thesis (point) of your paper, which is experiences of ordinary Americans who lived during the event. State your interviewee’s names in the thesis to lead into the next sections.
-          You must cite the sources you used in your works cited page. (Put these sources at the end of your paper)

2nd – 4th sections: Your interviewee’s stories (these can be more than one paragraph per person)
-          You will devote 3 separate sections to your interview research.
-          Remember, you are telling the story of your interviewee’s historical account.  Explain the event through their eyes.
-          Use the 3rd person point of view. Provide the full name, age and location at the time of the event at the beginning of your three sections. ( Then use words like Mr. Smith, or John Smith, or Smith, or he) You may use a few direct quotes from your interviewee. (Not too many, and keep them short!)
-          Use as much detail and personal stories as possible. 
-          Don’t leave out any information from your interview that you feel is essential in telling their story
-          Make these sections flow like a story. Put the obvious facts (name, age, location) in the beginning
-          Include transition sentences between your 3 stories (2 total)

Last section: Analysis.
-          This is a very important part of your paper. It should be a well-developed paragraph. (8-10 sentences)
-          Compare and contrast the 3 historical accounts you described above.
-          How are they similar? Be specific. Use your interviewee’s names. Cite specific examples from your interviewee’s stories
-          What differences exist? Be specific. Go beyond just the obvious facts.
-          Why do you think the interviewee’s stories are different?
-          Be analytical and insightful in your comparisons.

Last Page:
Works Cited
-          You must include a Works Cited page at the end of your paper in  MLA format and ABC order
-           Cite your interview and secondary sources in this section. Follow the examples below.
-          There should be a total of 3 secondary sources and 3 interviewee sources.

Book Example
Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. Star Trek Chronology: The  
History of the Future. New York: Pocket, 1993.

Website Example
Lynch, Tim. "DSN Trials and Tribble-ations Review." Psi Phi:
Bradley's Science Fiction Club. 1996. Bradley University. 8 Oct. 1997<>.

Interviewees (cite all 3)
Smith, John. Personal interview. 17 April 2006.