Monday, May 7, 2012

Sophs- Unit 11 WWII Test Guidelines

Unit 11- WWII Test Guidelines- Ch. 24 and 25

Extra Resources:
- "Over the Edge"- video sheet
- "The Home Front"- video sheet
- Map of Europe 
- Holocaust blog assignment

1. Causes of WWII (4)
2. Joseph Stalin- Totalitarian Government
3. Benito Mussolini- Fascist Government
4. Afolf Hitler- Nazi Germany
5. Japan- rise of military leaders
6. U.S. Neutrality Acts
7. Lend-Lease Act
8. Munich Agreement- Between Hitler and Chamberlain
9. Atlantic Charter- Churchill and FDR
10. Nonagression Pact- Hitler and Stalin
11. Pearl Harbor Attack- Date, quote, what happened next day?
12. FDR's Four Freedoms
13. Selective Training and Service Act
14. Rationing, Victory Gardens, War Bonds, "The War Effort"
15. Role of women- "Rosie the Riveter"
16. Role of African Americans- Double V Campaign, Tuskagee Airmen
17. Japanese internment camps- reason?
18. Axis countries vs Allies countries
19. Allied strategy at beginning of war
20. Significance of D-Day, Battle of the Bulge
21. V-E Day- date
22. Yalta Conference
23. The Holocaust- Nuremburg Trials
24. Island hopping
25. Kamikaze warfare
26. President Truman's options for attacking Japan
27. Potsdam Declaration
28. 2 atomic bombs- Hiroshima and Nagasaki (dates)
29. V-J Day

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