Course Description:

Materials Needed:
- Text: America: Pathways to the Present,
Pearson Education, Inc., 2005
- Notebook only for American History
- Folder for handouts. Label this
folder “American History” and put your name on
- Student planner (which you received in homeroom)
to record assignments and
due dates
- Students
are required to have all materials in class everyday
General Classroom
1. Be
prepared and on time for class. Have
your textbook and notebook on your desk
- All assignments must be turned in on the due date. If the assignment is late there will be points deducted. This includes long-term projects.
- Any problems with due dates, tests, etc., let
me know in advance. This includes early dismissal for sports and activities or
missed classes for student council, etc.
- Absences:
- If you miss a test or quiz, talk me the day you
return to school to plan a make-up day. Make-up tests and quizzes will be
completed in the library or in class.
- Any other previously assigned work is to be handed
in the day you return.
- You are responsible for obtaining any missed notes
from a classmate. See me if you have a problem
obtaining the notes.
- Any handouts you miss can be found in the “Extra
Handouts” folder in the classroom.
- Keeping “in the know”: If you are absent for several days at a time, or if you have questions about an assignment, please email me. If you need to find me in school my office is in the Social Studies Department in the 260’s hallway. My schedule is posted on my desk. I can also be found in room 113 throughout the school day.
- All requirements for students found in the student handbook, such as dress code, cell phones, gum, class cutting, etc. will be upheld and enforced.
Units of Study:
(1400’s-1750’s): European Exploration and
Colonization of America. Includes parts of
Chapters 2 and 3
(1753-1800): The Revolutionary Era and
Origins of American Politics.
Includes parts of Chapters 4 and 5
(1800-1860): Antebellum America.
Focus on westward expansion, early industrialization
and role of slavery during the pre-civil war era.
Parts of chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10
(1861-1877): The Civil War and
Reconstruction. Causes and effects of the Civil War and
the impact of Reconstruction on rebuilding America. Chapters
(1860’s-1920): Post-Civil War America.
Focus on the growth of American industry and
cities across the country. Parts of chapters
13,14,15, and 16
(1890’s-1920): America Becoming a World
Power. Focus on the rise of imperialism and
the Spanish-American War. Chapter 17
7 (1890-1920):
The Progressive Reform Era. Emphasis
on the roots of change and reform in
America. Chapter 18
8 (1914-1920):
The World War I Era. Causes, duration
and impact of the war era.
Chapter 19
9 (1920-1929):
The 1920s- Postwar social change;
Politics and Prosperity. Themes of the
roaring 20s, including the dissent between urban and
rural America.
Chapters 20 and 21
10 (1929-1941):
The Great Depression and the New Deal. Causes and effects of the
depression and FDR’s plan for economic
recovery. Chapters 22 and 23
The World War II Era. Focus on the
causes, effects and homefront.
Chapters 24 and 25
12 (1945-1975):
The Cold War and a Period of Turmoil and
Emphasis on America’s new role as
the world power. Domestic and foreign issues will be
covered. Parts of chapters 26-31
(1969-present): Movement to the Present
Parts of chapters 32-36
- Tests and Quizzes: Students will be
responsible for all information covered in
class from the text, class notes, videos,
worksheets, maps, etc.
- Homework and class work: Many homework assignments
will be section reviews
from the textbook, objectives, and reading
assignments . All work assigned from the textbook must be answered in the
notebook. All definitions must be written
out with the word and short answers must be answered in complete sentences.
Homework checks will be given randomly to ensure the students have completed
all assignments.
- Projects/ Presentations: Ex: Oral History project
(Details will be given out at a
later date)
Grading Policy:
grade will be based on a TOTAL POINTS system.
This means your percentage grade can be determined by dividing the
number of points earned by the total number of points possible. For example,
test grades will range from approximately 80-100 points; projects 50-100
points; quizzes 10-30 points; homework 5-10 points.
Blog: Dell-aware
The class blog will be used throughout
the school year to distribute information electronically (post objectives,
study guides, articles, etc) and to post assignments that will require the use
of the internet.
Save the above link to your favorites or
bookmarks on your web browser
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