Monday, January 28, 2013

Child Psych- Ch. 7 Test Objectives pgs 166-188


1.     Define the  (1)behaviorist approach.

2.     Explain how children learn according to classical conditioning.  Be sure to identify the US, UR, NS, CS, CR.

3.  How do children learn according to operant conditioning?

4.     Identify the setup  and results of the Rovee-Collier mobile experiment. Identify the memory retention time and ages of infants. At what age can children generalize?

5.     What is the goal of the (2)psychometric approach

6.  How is the psychometric approach linked to IQ?

7.     Provide details about the purpose of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development test.

8.  Explain the set-up of the HOME test. What aspects of the environment are evaluated.

9.  How is passive genotype-environment correlation linked to the HOME test?

10. Define early intervention. Identify the set-up and results of Project CARE and the Abecedarian Project.

11. Identify aspects of the most effective early intervention programs (#1-5)

12. Define schemes.

13. Identify aspects of the (3) Piagetian approach - study the chart!!

14. Define circular reactions.

15. Define sensorimotor stage.

16. Understand the progression of MENTAL abilities in the 6 substages. 

17. Define representational ability.

18. Explain the abilities learned by the 6th substage.

19.  Explain the progression of object permanence in the sensorimotor stage.

20.  SKIP bottom of pg. 177 to the top of pg 178

21.  SKIP pg. 179 to the top of pg. 180

22. Identify abilities that Piaget underestimated- Imitation, Categorization, Obj Permanence.  Know ages of Piaget vs newer research
23. Define the (4) information-processing approach.  Explain habituation and dishabituation. How are they measured, and how are they linked to infant cognitive development?

24. How does visual recognition memory link to the information-processing approach?

25. What do studies of habituation and novelty preference suggest about representational ability?

26. How is the info-processing approach linked to future intelligence?

27. Explain the set-up and results of the violation of expectations experiment.

28. What is the focus of the (5) cognitive neuroscience approach?

29. Define explicit, implicit, working memory.

30. What parts of the brain are responsible for short/long-term memories?

31. Understand the significance of the role of the environment on shaping the brain's memory structures.

32. What is the focus of the (6) social-contextual approach?

33. Define guided participation and provide an example. How does culture influence guided participation.

34.  According to Annette Lareau's research, identify the differences between the parenting styles of  concerted cultivation and achievement of natural growth.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Child Psych- Ch. 6 Infant Safety

646- Child Psychology
Infant/Toddler Safety Ages 0-3 years

1. Car(seat) safety
2. House safety (baby-proofing)
3. Toy safety
4. Mall/public safety
5. Pet safety

-       Research safety techniques/precautions for your chosen topic for children ages BIRTH to THREE YEARS.
-       On a word document, create a list of at least 25 safety guidelines related to your topic. 
-       Only refer to credible websites (at least 2), which you must cite at the TOP of your paper in APA format. View the link on the blog to follow how to cite websites in APA format

-        On a separate word document:
      Find a newspaper article that relates to your topic.
o   Hint: Type in key words to google search, then click news
o   Summarize your article in a well-developed paragraph (at least 8-10 sentences)
o   Include the APA citation at the top of your article summary.

Value: 30 points

Due: Friday, January 11th

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ch. 6 Objectives Pgs 150-160

1.     Explain the development and progression of the 5 senses. When do they develop? Reasons for development? 
2.     What are the key milestones in motor development?
3.     Define systems of action.
4.     Explain the purpose and details of the Denver Developmental Screening test.
5.     Explain the progression of an infant’s hand and head control.
6.     Explain the progression of self-locomotion.
7.     Distinguish between fine and gross motor skills.
8.     Define social referencing.
9.     Explain the set-up, results, and purpose of the visual cliff experiment.
10.  How do cultural differences affect motor development? Give an example.
11.  Explain Esther Thelan’s theory about the disappearance of the walking reflex and the role of the environment.
12.  What are the leading causes of infant mortality in the U.S?
13.  SIDS- causes and precautions
14.  What is the leading cause of unintentional injuries in the U.S during the first year? After the first year?
15. What is the trend for childhood vaccinations in the U.S? Why do some parents opt not to have their child vaccinated?