Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ch. 6 Objectives Pgs 150-160

1.     Explain the development and progression of the 5 senses. When do they develop? Reasons for development? 
2.     What are the key milestones in motor development?
3.     Define systems of action.
4.     Explain the purpose and details of the Denver Developmental Screening test.
5.     Explain the progression of an infant’s hand and head control.
6.     Explain the progression of self-locomotion.
7.     Distinguish between fine and gross motor skills.
8.     Define social referencing.
9.     Explain the set-up, results, and purpose of the visual cliff experiment.
10.  How do cultural differences affect motor development? Give an example.
11.  Explain Esther Thelan’s theory about the disappearance of the walking reflex and the role of the environment.
12.  What are the leading causes of infant mortality in the U.S?
13.  SIDS- causes and precautions
14.  What is the leading cause of unintentional injuries in the U.S during the first year? After the first year?
15. What is the trend for childhood vaccinations in the U.S? Why do some parents opt not to have their child vaccinated?

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