Monday, October 31, 2011

Seniors- Ch. 5 Baby Economics Reseacrh

On a separate word document, you and your partner will answer the following questions about the cost of caring for a newborn baby. Your chosen budget will ONLY factor in for section IV, the NURSERY items. All information except for your nursery items must be from a credible website (.gov, .org, .edu, a news website, magazine website, etc) Put the website main url as your source. You do not need to use APA format for the source, just list the website.

Total Points- 35 points

I. Delivery Cost- Provide credible sources for all the information obtained below. (8 points)
     a. Average cost for a hospital birth (non c-section)
     b. Average cost for a Cesarean delivery
     c. Amount or percentage covered by insurance
     d. What options do uninsured women have? Be specific in your explanation.

II.Weekly Needs (8 points)
     a. Feeding- Provide sources for the following
               1. Newborn ounces per feeding: _______ oz.
               2. Newborn number of feedings per day.
               3. Number of ounces per week
               4. Cost of formula per container
               5. Number of FLUID ounces made per container
               6. Average cost of formula per week/month
               7. Cost of bottles (6 total)- .com website okay
               8. How much does a breastpump cost? .com website okay

     b. Diapers- provide sources for information obtained (3 points)
               1. Number of diapers used per day/ week/ month
               2. Cost of a pack of diapers; number of diapers per pack (get newborn size) .com source okay
               3. Break down the cost of diapers per week/ month

III. Childcare (4 points)
     a. Research the cost of a 5 day per week LOCAL daycare that accepts newborns. Provide the source.
     b. On average, how much does a nanny cost for approximately 40 hours per week? Month?

IV. Nursery Items- You must find the price of at least 20 items needed for the baby's nursery and for caring for the baby. Use this checklist on the Babies R Us website to help you get ideas. You may use any website to find your items.  If you have a low budget, make sure you get all the essentials first. You may use Ebay only if you pretend to use the "buy it now" option. (12 points)
     a. Your budget____________
     b. On your word document make a list of the items bought, the price, and the source (ex.
     c. Include at least TEN pictures of items bought. You can put the pictures on separate pages.
     d. What is your total amount of money spent. (you must stay within your budget)

Seniors- Ch. 5 Objectives pgs 108-119

1.       Describe how childbirth has changed over time.
2.       Explain contemporary settings for childbirth.
3.       Define parturition.
4.       Describe what happens in the three stages of childbirth.
5.       Describe the electronic fetal monitoring process and drawbacks of its use.
6.       Identify aspects of a vaginal versus Cesarean and medicated delivery.
7.       Discuss common reasons and risks of Cesarean delivery.
8.       Identify advocates of natural/prepared childbirth.
9.       Know the difference between a midwife and doula.
10.   Define neonatal period, neonate, and characteristics of a neonate- including body systems, appearance
11.   How is the Apgar and NBAS test used to assess the health of newborns?
12.   Describe states of arousal and activity levels of newborns.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Seniors- Ch. 4 Test

Study Ch. 4 worksheet (trimesters on front)
Ch. 4 Objectives
Re-read the Time Magazine article- “How the First Nine Months Shape the Rest of Your Life”
Study all group presentation handouts

Define: gestation, cephalocaudal principle, proximodistal principle, germinal stage, embryonic stage, fetal stage, spontaneous abortion; ultrasound; teratogen
1.       How do the cephalocaudal and proximodistal principles apply to prenatal and infancy development?
2.       Summarize the development that occurs in the germinal stage
3.       What are the functions of the umbilical cord, placenta, and amniotic sac
4.       Why is the embryonic stage considered a critical period?
5.       What development takes place during the embryonic stage?
6.       What causes a spontaneous abortion?
7.       Why are males more vulnerable during the prenatal period?
8.       Summarize the development that takes place during the fetal stage.
9.       Discuss factors to be weighed in considering the issue of fetal rights.
10.   Identify factors in good nutrition during pregnancy, and assess the value of dietary supplements.
11.   Summarize recommendations regarding exercise during pregnancy.
12.   How does alcohol, cocaine, nicotine, marijuana, caffeine affect the prenatal environment?
13.   How does a fetus contract a HIV infection from the mother and how can transmission be prevented?
14.   What are the risks for expectant mothers over the age of 30?
15.   How can the father contribute to the risk of birth defects?
16.   Explain the amniocentesis, CVS, and AFP test? When performed? Risks? Results?
17.   Discuss the importance and facts about early prenatal care.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sophomores- Unit 2 Test Study Guide

Unit 2 Study Guide
Chapters 4 and 5
The Revolutionary Era and Origins of American Politics

Re-read chapters 4 and 5, study objectives and notes
-          John Adams
-          Sam Adams
-          George Washington
-          Thomas Jefferson
-          John Dickinson
-          Caesar Rodney
-          Captain Preston
-          Abigail Adams
-          John Hancock
-          Paul Revere
-          Benjamin Franklin
-          John Hancock
-          Thomas Paine
-          General Thomas Gage
-          James Madison
-          Roger Sherman

Ch. 4, Sect. 1- The French and Indian War
-          Who fought in the French and Indian War? Why?Who won?
-          What was Ben Franklin’s Albany Plan of Union? Why was it significant?
-          What was decided at the 1763 Treaty of Paris to end the French and Indian War?

Ch. 4, Sect. 2- Issues Behind the Revolution
-          What was the Proclamation of 1763? Was it followed by the colonists?
-          Why did Britain impose new taxes on the colonies?
-          What is meant by the term, “No taxation without representation?”
-          Identify the sugar act, quartering acts, townshend acts, stamp act
-          What happened at the 1770 Boston Massacre? Why did John Adams defend the British? How did John Adams plan his masterful defense?
-          Who were the Sons of Liberty? Leader? Goals?
-          Identify the 4 intolerable acts in response to the Boston Tea Party
-          What was decided at the First Continental Congress?
-          Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord significant?
-          Know the background history, author and symbolism behind the “Join or Die” political cartoon

Ch. 4, Sect. 3- Ideas Behind the Revolution
-          Why did Thomas Paine write Common Sense?
-          Identify the Olive Branch Petition. Who initiated it?
-          Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
-          Identify the 4 parts of the Declaration of Independence
-          What did Abigail Adams mean when she said “Remember the Ladies”

Ch. 4, Sect.4- Fighting For Independence
-          What happened at the Battle of Bunker Hill?
-          Identify strengths and weaknesses of both the American and British armies
-          Identify mercenaries
-          What happened at the Battles of Trenton and Princeton?
-          Why was the victory at Saratoga significant for the Americans?

Ch. 4, Sect. 5- Winning Independence
-          What battle officially ended the Revolutionary War?
-          What countries were represented at the Treaty of Paris (1783)?
-          What 6 points were decided at the Treaty of Paris?
-          What impact did the revolution have on women, African Americans, Native Americans?

Ch. 5, Sect. 1- Government By the States
-          What were the Articles of Confederation? Why was this form of government weak?
-          Identify the 3 branches of government and their power
-          Define constitutions
-          Define democracy and republic
-          Why was Shay’s Rebellion significant?

Ch. 5, Sect. 2- The Constitutional Convention
-          What was the main result of the Constitutional Convention?
-          Who was the “Father of the Constitution?”
-          Explain the Virginia Plan for government
-          Explain the New Jersey Plan for government
-          How did the Great Compromise settle the disagreement between small and large states?
-          How did the three-fifths compromise settle the question about slaves counting in a state’s population?
-          Explain the separation of powers
-          Explain the system of checks and balances
-          Explain how the legislative branch is set up
-          What is the role of the electoral college?

Ch. 5, Sect. 3- Ratifying the Constitution
-          What were the goals of the Federalists? The Federalist Papers?
-          Define faction
-          Identify the goals of the Anti-Federalists
-          Why did the Federalists win and the Constitution become ratified?
-          What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

Ch. 5, Sect 4- The New Government
-          Identify the first President and Vice President of America
-          What is a cabinet?
-          Identify Thomas Jefferson’s new role
-          Identify Alexander Hamilton’s new role
-          First capital city?