Total Points- 35 points
I. Delivery Cost- Provide credible sources for all the information obtained below. (8 points)
a. Average cost for a hospital birth (non c-section)
b. Average cost for a Cesarean delivery
c. Amount or percentage covered by insurance
d. What options do uninsured women have? Be specific in your explanation.
II.Weekly Needs (8 points)
a. Feeding- Provide sources for the following
1. Newborn ounces per feeding: _______ oz.
2. Newborn number of feedings per day.
3. Number of ounces per week
4. Cost of formula per container
5. Number of FLUID ounces made per container
6. Average cost of formula per week/month
7. Cost of bottles (6 total)- .com website okay
8. How much does a breastpump cost? .com website okay
b. Diapers- provide sources for information obtained (3 points)
1. Number of diapers used per day/ week/ month
2. Cost of a pack of diapers; number of diapers per pack (get newborn size) .com source okay
3. Break down the cost of diapers per week/ month
III. Childcare (4 points)
a. Research the cost of a 5 day per week LOCAL daycare that accepts newborns. Provide the source.
b. On average, how much does a nanny cost for approximately 40 hours per week? Month?
IV. Nursery Items- You must find the price of at least 20 items needed for the baby's nursery and for caring for the baby. Use this checklist on the Babies R Us website to help you get ideas. You may use any website to find your items. If you have a low budget, make sure you get all the essentials first. You may use Ebay only if you pretend to use the "buy it now" option. (12 points)
a. Your budget____________
b. On your word document make a list of the items bought, the price, and the source (ex. babiesrus.com)
c. Include at least TEN pictures of items bought. You can put the pictures on separate pages.
d. What is your total amount of money spent. (you must stay within your budget)