Thursday, October 6, 2011

Seniors- Ch. 4 Project

Reminders: Cite sources in APA format.  Only credible websites will be accepted (.gov, .edu, .org) Use books in the library, too. Do not plagiarize.  

Individual research will be checked next Thursday, October 13.  Presentations will begin Monday, October 17

APA format help... (Use hanging indents)

Website Example:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of document. Retrieved from    
     http://Web address

Book Example:

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle.
     Location: Publisher.

Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal   
     publication.  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Article from a newspaper on a website:

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from

Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry.  
     The New York Times. Retrieved from

Presentation Guidelines:
Part 1
1.       Research: (NOTE: This is an individual requirement)
-          Each student is required to document 30 facts EACH about your chosen topic. Each group member must obtain information from DIFFERENT SOURCES. Use books in the library, articles, credible websites, etc.  Identify the source references in APA format at the top of the page, followed by numbered facts below. Paraphrase, don’t plagiarize, your facts.  Over all, you should cite at least 2 sources.
-          What you are required to research about your topic:
o    Impact on the mother before, during and after pregnancy
o    Impact on the child during prenatal development
o    Impact on the child during the 1st year of life (short-term effects)
o    Long-term effects on the child
o    Precautions the mother should take

Part 2- Oral presentation and written requirements (15 minutes total)
1.       Visual Aids
-          Your group must use at least 3 visual aids during the presentation created by the group. These could include (but are not limited to) a powerpoint, large informative posters, brochures for all in the class, homemade video clip, live skit,  etc.
-          Powerpoints- Use short bullet points. Do not read from the slides. Include pictures and large text
-          Posters- Must be large enough to see in the back of classroom
-          All visual aids should be meaningful and essential to your presentation.

2.       Handout
-          Each group is responsible for providing a handout to the class that is linked to the presentation. It could be a notes fill-in, crossword puzzle, pre-quiz, or anything of your choice. You must have enough copies for each student in the class. Note: You may not make copies in the tech center or library for this!
-          The handout should somehow cover the main points of your presentation.

3.       Quiz
- Each group is responsible for creating 1 quiz about the information from the presentation. Include the answers. Use 3 different types of questions for a total of 10 questions(Multiple choice, T/F, fill-in, short answer)

Grade summary

-  Project information included in presentation:                          10
-  Visual Aids                                                                                        15
-  Handout                                                                                             10
- Quiz                                                                                                     5
- Presentation (eye contact, organization)                                     10
- Individual Research                                                                         20

- Total                                                                                                    65 points

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