Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sophomores- Unit 2 Test Study Guide

Unit 2 Study Guide
Chapters 4 and 5
The Revolutionary Era and Origins of American Politics

Re-read chapters 4 and 5, study objectives and notes
-          John Adams
-          Sam Adams
-          George Washington
-          Thomas Jefferson
-          John Dickinson
-          Caesar Rodney
-          Captain Preston
-          Abigail Adams
-          John Hancock
-          Paul Revere
-          Benjamin Franklin
-          John Hancock
-          Thomas Paine
-          General Thomas Gage
-          James Madison
-          Roger Sherman

Ch. 4, Sect. 1- The French and Indian War
-          Who fought in the French and Indian War? Why?Who won?
-          What was Ben Franklin’s Albany Plan of Union? Why was it significant?
-          What was decided at the 1763 Treaty of Paris to end the French and Indian War?

Ch. 4, Sect. 2- Issues Behind the Revolution
-          What was the Proclamation of 1763? Was it followed by the colonists?
-          Why did Britain impose new taxes on the colonies?
-          What is meant by the term, “No taxation without representation?”
-          Identify the sugar act, quartering acts, townshend acts, stamp act
-          What happened at the 1770 Boston Massacre? Why did John Adams defend the British? How did John Adams plan his masterful defense?
-          Who were the Sons of Liberty? Leader? Goals?
-          Identify the 4 intolerable acts in response to the Boston Tea Party
-          What was decided at the First Continental Congress?
-          Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord significant?
-          Know the background history, author and symbolism behind the “Join or Die” political cartoon

Ch. 4, Sect. 3- Ideas Behind the Revolution
-          Why did Thomas Paine write Common Sense?
-          Identify the Olive Branch Petition. Who initiated it?
-          Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
-          Identify the 4 parts of the Declaration of Independence
-          What did Abigail Adams mean when she said “Remember the Ladies”

Ch. 4, Sect.4- Fighting For Independence
-          What happened at the Battle of Bunker Hill?
-          Identify strengths and weaknesses of both the American and British armies
-          Identify mercenaries
-          What happened at the Battles of Trenton and Princeton?
-          Why was the victory at Saratoga significant for the Americans?

Ch. 4, Sect. 5- Winning Independence
-          What battle officially ended the Revolutionary War?
-          What countries were represented at the Treaty of Paris (1783)?
-          What 6 points were decided at the Treaty of Paris?
-          What impact did the revolution have on women, African Americans, Native Americans?

Ch. 5, Sect. 1- Government By the States
-          What were the Articles of Confederation? Why was this form of government weak?
-          Identify the 3 branches of government and their power
-          Define constitutions
-          Define democracy and republic
-          Why was Shay’s Rebellion significant?

Ch. 5, Sect. 2- The Constitutional Convention
-          What was the main result of the Constitutional Convention?
-          Who was the “Father of the Constitution?”
-          Explain the Virginia Plan for government
-          Explain the New Jersey Plan for government
-          How did the Great Compromise settle the disagreement between small and large states?
-          How did the three-fifths compromise settle the question about slaves counting in a state’s population?
-          Explain the separation of powers
-          Explain the system of checks and balances
-          Explain how the legislative branch is set up
-          What is the role of the electoral college?

Ch. 5, Sect. 3- Ratifying the Constitution
-          What were the goals of the Federalists? The Federalist Papers?
-          Define faction
-          Identify the goals of the Anti-Federalists
-          Why did the Federalists win and the Constitution become ratified?
-          What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

Ch. 5, Sect 4- The New Government
-          Identify the first President and Vice President of America
-          What is a cabinet?
-          Identify Thomas Jefferson’s new role
-          Identify Alexander Hamilton’s new role
-          First capital city?

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