Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Seniors- Ch. 6 Infant Senses

The next section of chapter 6 begins with information about the development of infant senses, including vision, taste, smell, hearing, and touch.

Use resources on the internet (.org, gov, net, or edu) to find 5 facts each about the 5 senses. List the facts in bullet point format under each sense and put the source above the facts listed.

For vision, find information about the visual acuity of newborns and the progression of vision development. Look for information about visual preferences, colors, binocular vision, face recognition, etc.

For taste, find information about taste preferences for newborns and the progression of the development of taste buds throughout infancy. Are there survival mechanisms associated with taste preferences? Do infants crave salty foods? Do taste preferences develop in utero?

For smell, find information about when the sense is fully developed. What are the smell preferences of newborns/infants? Can they recognize familiar scents?

For touch, find information about when it develops. Also, research about the sense of pain in newborns. Do newborns feel pain? How do we know babies are sensitive to touch, temperature change, etc?

For hearing, find information about when it is fully developed. How are babies tested for hearing?



Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sophomores- Unit 4 Civil War Photography

Answer the following questions in paragraph form on a separate word document. Use MLA format, including a header with your name,  my name, class name, and date on the upper left side of the page. Also include a title at the beginning of your paper. Use font size 12 with one inch margins and double space.

The purpose of your paper is to explain the significance of photography during the Civil War period by analyzing and researching photographs by Matthew Brady. Click on this link to go to the website that will get you started with your research. Read through the text, then scroll to the bottom of the page to see the 16 photographs listed. You will choose ONE photograph of your choice to write about.

Paragraph 1:What was the purpose of Matthew Brady's photography during the Civil War? What type of images did he and his associated capture? What were the limitations of Civil War photography?
How have Brady's photographs been used in the recent past? 

Paragraph 2: Which photograph is your favorite? Provide the title and explain why it is your favorite.  Describe the scene/people in your photograph. Also, provide background information about your chosen photograph. You will need to research other websites to find more information. Only use credible websites that end in .edu, .gov, .org. Include your additional website/s on a separate works cited page at the end of your paper. Refer to the MLA link at the top right section of the blog to know how to properly site your website.

Paragraph 3: Click on this link to read about how photography during American wars has changed over the past century. Be specific in your explanations about photography during World War I and II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars,  and the Gulf War.  Also, explain how the role of the U.S. government has changed over time in relation to censorship and control over wartime media.

Due: Friday, December 2
Value: 15 points

Seniors- Ch. 6 Objectives pgs 135-150

646- Child Psychology
Ch. 6 Objectives pgs 135-150

1.       How does the cephalocaudal principle relate to brain growth in early childhood?
2.       Describe typical growth patterns during the first three years.
3.       Identify the advantages of breastfeeding. What does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend? The text says several factors would increase the prevalence of breastfeeding. What are they?
4.       When can solid foods be introduced to children? Do parents generally follow these guidelines?
5.       What is the central nervous system?
6.       Brain stem, cerebellum, cerebrum, corpus callosum
7.       What is lateralization?
8.       Define neurons. How does cell death relate to neurons.
9.       Define reflex.
10.   Identify primitive, postural, locomotor reflexes
11.   Explain plasticity and the brain.
12.   Read about the Romanian orphan study and results on pg 147.
13.   Read the autism section on page 144.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Seniors- Ch. 5 Objectives pgs. 120-130

646- Child Psychology
Ch. 5 Objectives pgs 120-130

1.       Explain the difference between preterm,  low birthweight, and small-for-date infants.
2.       Name 4 types of factors that put women at risk of bearing low birthweight babies, and give an example of each type.
3.       Identify consequences of low birthweight.
4.       Describe methods of treatment and care of low birthweight babies that can improve chances of survival.
5.       Discuss the role of environmental factors in the long term outlook for children with low birthweight or other birth complications.
6.       Identify characteristics and risks of a postmature baby.
7.       Describe characteristics and statistics of stillborn babies.
8.       Distinguish between processes of bonding after birth that affect animal and human babies.
9.       Suggest several methods of comforting a crying baby.
10.   Identify 2 common patterns of change in marital relationships after the birth of a baby.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Seniors- Baby Economics Recap

Regardless of your chosen budget in class, I think we can all agree on one thing... babies are expensive. Many of the expenditures you researched only cover the first month of the baby's life.  Multiply that number by eighteen years, and it has been studied that the average cost of raising a child is around $225,000.  This number is a big increase from a decade ago when the average cost of raising one child was approximately $165,000.

Read the CNN article, "The Rising Cost of Raising a Child" to cite specific reasons for why the cost of raising a child has risen in the past ten years.  Summarize your supporting points in a well-developed paragraph. (8-10 sentences)

In a separate paragraph, provide your own insights about how a baby not only influences the lifestyle of the new parents, but also the couple's financial planning and their relationship in general. You must also refer to the end of chapter 5 (pgs 129-130) to get ideas about how a baby can alter a marriage in either a positive or negative manner. ( 8-10 sentences)

Due: Thursday, November 10th
Print out word document and bring to class on Thursday
Value: 8 points

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sophomores- Unit 3 Immigration

An immigrant is defined as a person who leaves a country to permanently settle in another. In the early 1800s only 5,000 immigrants came to America each year.  That number significantly increased in the second half of the 1800s.  Many factors contributed to this increase, such as conditions in foreign countries, opportunities in America, and the industrial revolution. The first wave of immigrants that came to America are called "old immigrants" and primarily came from places like Germany, Ireland, and Scandinavia.

As you read the article from Digital History about Immigration between 1820 and 1860,  you will gain a better understanding about the reasons immigrants left their home countries and how they affected the population, economy, and culture of America.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate word document.  Save any unfinished work from class to your elocker to complete for homework to hand in on Thursday.

1. Explain the increase in the number of immigrants that came to America by citing specific years and population numbers.

2. Why were immigrants attracted to the United States?

3. Why did the Irish immigrants leave Ireland? Where did they tend to settle? How did they adapt to life in America?

4. Why did the Germans leave Germany? Where did they tend to settle? How did they adapt to life in America?

5. How does immigration between 1820 and 1860 relate to both industrialization and westward expansion? Be specific.