Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sophomores- Unit 3 Immigration

An immigrant is defined as a person who leaves a country to permanently settle in another. In the early 1800s only 5,000 immigrants came to America each year.  That number significantly increased in the second half of the 1800s.  Many factors contributed to this increase, such as conditions in foreign countries, opportunities in America, and the industrial revolution. The first wave of immigrants that came to America are called "old immigrants" and primarily came from places like Germany, Ireland, and Scandinavia.

As you read the article from Digital History about Immigration between 1820 and 1860,  you will gain a better understanding about the reasons immigrants left their home countries and how they affected the population, economy, and culture of America.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate word document.  Save any unfinished work from class to your elocker to complete for homework to hand in on Thursday.

1. Explain the increase in the number of immigrants that came to America by citing specific years and population numbers.

2. Why were immigrants attracted to the United States?

3. Why did the Irish immigrants leave Ireland? Where did they tend to settle? How did they adapt to life in America?

4. Why did the Germans leave Germany? Where did they tend to settle? How did they adapt to life in America?

5. How does immigration between 1820 and 1860 relate to both industrialization and westward expansion? Be specific.

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