Monday, April 2, 2012

Sophs- Unit 9 Test Checklist

Unit 9- The 1920's: Ch. 20 and 21

Additional sources:
- Boom to Bust video sheet
Society in the 1920s
- women's changing roles
- change in demographics
- American heroes- why and who?
Mass Media and the Jazz Age
- Hollywood
- What is mass media?
- 1st radio station
- advertisements
- development of a national culture
- The Jazz Age- Harlem
- Harlem Renaissance
- The Lost Generation
Cultural Conflicts
- Split between urban and rural values
- Prohibition: Goals, 18th amend, NY vs Kansas, Bootlegging, speakeasies, Al Capone, impact on organized crime
- Religion- Fundamentalists vs Evolution; Scopes Trial
- Racial Tensions- KKK, Marcus Garvey
A Republican Decade
- 1920 election- policies of Warren G. Harding
- The Red Scare; Ideals of Communism
- Palmer Raids
- Sacco and Vanzetti
- 1923- Calvin Coolidge- laissez faire
- 1928- Herbert Hoover- prosperity will continue
Growth of a Consumer Economy
- Effects of increased spending
- Credit- installment plans
- Ford and the auto- assembly line
- Economic and social impact of automobile
Economy in the Late 1920s
- John Raskob
- Welfare capitalism
- All economic danger signs
- Speculation, playing stock market
Impact of overproduction
- Trouble for farmers and workers

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