Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Child Psych- 4th quarter project

646- Child Psychology

4th quarter project

Objective: Students will research and present the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial abilities of a child ranging from 2 to 7-years old.

Due Date: May 1st through May 10th.  All typed requirements are due on the day you present. Permission forms for children are due on the day BEFORE you present.

Total value: 90 points


Part I: Research, Bibliography, Lesson Plan (all required to be typed) (45 points)

                         Research (20 points)
                  -     Include a title page (does not need to be in APA format)
-        Using your textbook and other secondary sources, you are required to find 25 abilities/skills for EACH domain.
-        Create 3 separate sections and list all the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial abilities of your chosen age. Note: you may also research the age above your child, especially if the child has an approaching birthday or is “advanced” for their age.
-        A minimum of 4 sources are required, including your text. Only credible websites will be accepted (.edu, .org, .gov)
-        Textbook as a source:
o   Ch. 6- physical dev in first 3 years; Ch. 7- cognitive dev in first 3 years; Ch. 8- psychosocial dev in first 3 years; Ch. 9- physical dev ages 3-6;
Ch. 10- cognitive dev ages 3-6; Ch. 11- psychosocial dev ages 3-6
For children older than 6 years, refer to chapters 12, 13, 14

Bibliography (5 points)
-        On a separate page, cite at least 4 sources in APA format. Refer to the APA link on the blog for examples.

Lesson Plan  (20 points)
-        This is the design/outline for your live presentation and must be theme-based and age-appropriate.
-        Your lesson plan should be based on your research compiled about your child’s abilities.
-        The flow and execution of your lesson is up to you, but it must include at least 5 physical, 5 cognitive, and 5 psychosocial observable skills performed by your child. Be creative! Note: one activity may include several examples of the domains.
-        Be specific in your description of each activity/ability.
o   Example: By the age of 8 children have the ability to hop within small squares and hop in rhythmic patterns. They have balance, coordination, and well-developed gross motor skills. To show this we are going to play hopscotch.
o   The above example is also how you should explain and describe the action of your child in your live presentation.
-        Include the use of additional materials and props for your activities.

Part II: Presentation- (45 points)
-       Your presentation is the execution of the above designed lesson plan and activities.
-       All presentations should include
o   Execution of 5 examples from each of the 3 domains (15 points)
o   Preparation for technology, permission slips (5 points)
o   Creativity (5 points)
o   Numerous additional materials and props (15 points)
o   Evidence of hard work and effort, organization (5 points)
-       3 options:
o   1. Bring a child to class.
§  With your direction, the child will showcase the abilities designed in your lesson plan
§  Guidelines for this option:
Ø  Children may not stay in school all day. Arrange for them to be picked up or dropped off. No more than three class periods.
Ø  You must have a permission slip from the parent of the child
Ø  You must have the signatures of the teachers who this child will be visiting.  The child may not stay in a class that is taking a test or watching a video inappropriate for a child.
Ø  All permission slips and teacher slips should be attached to your project.
Ø  Make sure you have items that will help occupy the child; coloring books, games, books, toys, etc.
Ø  Seriously consider if your child will handle a live presentation well. If not, you may want to do another option, or do a video back-up.  Rehearse the project with your child ahead of time. 
o   2. Video presentation
§  With your guidance and interaction, the child will showcase the abilities designed in your lesson plan
§  Make sure the video is smooth and use any necessary editing
o   3. Teach the class a lesson
§  Based on the age of your choice: pre-school, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade
§  Your classmates will conduct the activities as outlined in your lesson plan
§  All materials for the lesson must be prepared and provided for the class.

Note: Any requirements that are turned in late will result in a deduction of points.  You must check all technology materials with me at least the day before you present. Be prepared for your chosen date of the presentation. 

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