Sunday, April 28, 2013

Child Psych- Ch. 9 and 12 assignment

Ch. 9 and 12- Physical Development in Early and Middle Childhood

Due:  Thurs, May 9th

Value: 40 points

Using your text, answer the following questions below on a word document.  You may use bullet-points to organize your answers.  Be sure to answer the question thoroughly and correct to get full credit.

Chapter 9- Physical Development and Health in Early Childhood

Section I: Aspects of Physiological Development
1.       Define enuresis

2.       Summarize how boys and girls change in appearance, height, and weight between ages 3 and 6.

3.       Summarize dental development in early childhood and appropriate treatment for thumb-sucking.

4.    List at least 5 suggestions for helping children eat and sleep well.

5.     Describe normal sleep patterns and bedtime routines of preschoolers.

6.     Name and describe three kinds of sleep disturbances, and tell how they should be treated.

7.     Identify factors that may be involved in bed-wetting and effective ways of treating it.

Section II: Motor Development
8.     Define gross motor skills.

9.     Define fine motor skills.

10.  Define systems of action.

11.  Define handedness

12.   Explain the development of gross motor skills and appropriate ways to foster it.

13.  Give examples of advances in fine motor skills.

14.  Discuss possible causes of handedness.

15.  Identify the four stages in young children’s drawing and tell how Rhoda Kellog suggests adults can best encourage children’s artistic development.

Section III: Health and Safety
16.  Discuss nutritional needs and prevention of obesity in early childhood.

17.  Identify the effects of malnutrition on young children.

18.   What has research concluded about food allergies in children?

19.   Identify trends in accidental injuries and deaths of young children.

20.  How does socioeconomic status and race affect a child’s health?

Chapter 12- Physical Development in Middle Childhood

Section I: Aspects of Physical Development
1.     Summarize the growth patterns of children in middle childhood and their average changes in height and weight.

2.     What are options in treating children who do not grow normally?

3.     Summarize nutritional needs in middle childhood.

4.     Explain the current status of dental health care among school-age children.

Section II: Nutrition and Sleep
5.     How can children overcome overweight and cardiac problems?

6.     What are the sleep needs of middle school children?

Section III: Motor Development and Physical Play
7.     What is rough-and-tumble play?

8.     What role do organized sports play in middle school children?

Section IV: Health and Safety
9.     Why are today’s schoolchildren less fit than they should be?

10.   What is the prevalence of various acute and chronic medical conditions in middle childhood?

11.  Summarize causes and treatments for stuttering.

12.  Why are accidental injuries a great concern in middle childhood?

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