Your task is to read about the Nazi rule, Jews in prewar Germany, the "Final Solution", Nazi concentration camps, and rescue from the camps. To do this, visit the official site of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Answer all questions in complete sentences on a WORD DOCUMENT in MLA format.
Due: Wed, May 22nd
Value: 20 points (4 points per question)
1. Under the Nazi Rule section, read about why the Nazis also directed their hatred towards handicapped individuals, titled The Murder of the Handicapped. Summarize why the Nazis targeted the handicapped in the T-4/ Euthanasia program.
2. Read about the background to Auschwitz,
the largest concentration camp established by the Germans. Explain the
setting of the camp, daily life in the camp, impossible escapes, and
longevity of prisoners.
3. The Soviet solders were the first to liberate Jews from the camps in 1944. Read and summarize the liberation experience faced by the Allied soldiers, what they saw, and the reactions of the survivors.
4. Look at all 3 pages of photographs
on the site. Choose the photograph that stands out to you the most.
Identify the photograph and be sure to state your reasons why it
"caught your eye."
5. Lastly, browse away from the Holocaust website to find TWO other acts of genocide in history (look up this word if you don't know what it means). The term genocide didn't officially exist until the 1940's, so you may need to alter your search words to find examples pre-1940. Use any credible source to find your answer. You do not need to cite your source.
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