Sunday, September 18, 2011

Seniors- Ch. 3 Objectives pgs 69-80

646- Child Psychology                                 
Ch. 3 objectives pgs 69-80

1.      Contrast dominant and recessive inheritance of defects.
2.      Identify factors associated with sex-linked inheritance.
3.      How do chromosomal abnormalities occur?
4.      Identify the causes and characteristics of Down syndrome and discuss the outlook for a child born with this disorder.
5.      What is genetic counseling? Be sure to read the genetic testing box on pg 75.
Discuss the benefits and risks of genetic testing.
6.      Tell how researchers determine the heritability of a trait.
7.      Identify 3 common types of studies of the influence of hereditary and environmental factors in development.
8.      Explain the concepts of reaction range and canalization, and give at least one example of each.
9.      Give an example of genotype-environment interaction.
10.  Identify and explain 3 types of genotype-environment correlation.
11.  Explain why siblings tend to be more different than alike in intellect and personality, and why each experiences a unique environment within the family.

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