Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sophs- Unit 1 Objectives

Text- Ch. 1, sect 4; Ch. 2, sect 2, 3, 4; Ch. 3, sect 1,3,4
Also study 5 themes of geography and map of 13 colonies

-          How did the 400th anniversary differ from the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of America?
-          What was the impact of Columbus’ discovery on Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans?
-          Explain the Columbian exchange.
-          Why did England want to establish colonies?
-          Identify and explain the hardships faced by the Jamestown colonists.
-          Why did settlers colonize the New England region?
-          Identify the Puritans and Pilgrims.
-          How was New Amsterdam re-named New York?
-          Why was Pennsylvania founded? Who was the leader?
-          Why was Maryland established? Explain the significance of the Maryland Toleration Act.
-          The Georgia colony was established for what unique reason?
-          Contrast the economies in the three regions.
-          How was government established in the colonies?
-          Explain the role of mercantilism in the colonies.
-          Describe the prevalence of slavery in the 3 regions.
-          Identify how the Mayflower Compact, Maryland Toleration Act, and Great Awakening laid the foundation for American principles of government.
-          Identify all key people within Unit 1
-          Review all notes, text readings, and homework

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