Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sophs- Unit 2 Objectives

623- American History
Unit 2- The Revolutionary Era and Origins of American Politics

Use Ch. 4 sections 1 and 2 to answer the following questions.

1.       What countries fought in the French and Indian War? Why? Years?
2.       Describe the Albany Plan of Union. Who developed it? Why was it significant, though unsuccessful?
3.       Who won the French and Indian War? What was decided at the Treaty of Paris (1763)?
4.       Which battle marked the end of the war? See the map on pg 106 for land possession and battle sites.
5.       How did the French and Indian War weaken loyalty to Britain?
6.       What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?
7.       Why did Britain decide to tax the colonies?
8.       Define sugar act, quartering act, and stamp act, boycott
9.       Who were the Sons of Liberty? Who was their leader?
10.   What were the Townshend Acts?
11.   Describe what happened at the Boston Massacre in 1770. What lawyer defended the British captain and soldiers?
12.   Why did the Boston Tea Party occur?
13.   In response to the Boston Tea Party, Britain passed the Intolerable (Coercive) Acts. List the punishments.
14.   In response to the Intolerable Acts, the Committees of Correspondence in several colonies called for a meeting to develop a united plan. Explain what happened at the meeting of the First Continental Congress.
15.   Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord significant?

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