Friday, March 30, 2012

Seniors- 4th quarter Project Guidelines

Topic: Physical, Cognitive, Psychosocial Development 2-7 yrs
Length: 12-15 min

            You have the option to work with a partner.. Your presentation must have a clear purpose and agenda. Based on the age of your child, you will present what the child is capable of physically, cognitively, and psychosocially.  It is required that all 3 domains are exhibited. Remember, some activities will show more than one domain or even all three.  I want you to be creative and think outside the box for your presentation. If everyone comes in and does the same activities, the presentations will be repetitive. Think about choosing a theme for your over all presentation. (Ex: Dinosaur theme, baking cookies, etc)


1. Bring a child to class
- This is a live presentation with your child to display their abilities
 2. Video tape the child  
- Same concept as a live presentation, but with the ability to edit, add text and music, etc.
3. Teach a lesson
- Choose a grade level between preschool and 2nd grade. Design an age-appropriate lesson plan that incorporates all three domains. Treat the senior class as your chosen grade level.

Typed Report Format : Include a cover sheet with your topic, name, class, date of
                                         Presentation. All options must turn in this typed report.

1. Learning Objectives: This is an outline/lesson plan of what you are doing in your presentation. Explain the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial tasks your child will show through the activities you plan. You will hand this to me and also make copies for the class. Be sure to EXPLAIN your activities in your presentation.

Make sure your objectives relate to what a child that age is capable of doing. Your objectives should incorporate some (not all) of your research gathered.

Example: Physical- By the age of 8 children have the ability to hop within small squares and hop in rhythmic patterns. They have balance, coordination, and good gross motor skills. To show this we are going to play hopscotch.

2. Research: You are required to find 25 abilities/skills each for physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development for your child’s age.  Type in list format. Use full sentences. Color code your statements to match the bibliography.

3. Bibliography: Use a minimum of 3 sources to research the domains for your child’s age.  Your text/notes can be the 4th source. Use APA bibliographic format. 

Evaluation: Your grade will be a combination of your typed report requirements and
your presentation.

Note:   All typed reports are due the day of your presentation.
All permission slips (for bringing in a child or videotaping the child) are due the
day before you present.
All technology should be checked with me the day before you present. Any
problems that occur the day of your presentation will lower your grade.
            Anything turned in late will result in a lower grade. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Learning objectives
Additional materials
-          For all options you may not just “show up.” It must be evident that you prepared props, activities and other materials to execute your project.
-          This includes your preparation, organization, voice projection, interaction with the child or the class, no technology problems, etc.
Total: 100 pts

*If you choose option 1- Special directions for children:

1.      Children may not stay in school all day. Arrange for them to be picked up or dropped off.
2.      You must have a permission slip from the parent of the child
3.      You must have the signatures of the teachers who this child will be visiting.  The child may not stay in a class that is taking a test or watching a video inappropriate for a child.
4.      All permission slips and teacher slips should be attached to your project.
5.      Make sure you have items that will help occupy the child; coloring books, games, books, toys, etc.
6.      Seriously consider if your child will handle a live presentation well. If not, you may want to do another option, or do a video back-up.  Rehearse the project with your child ahead of time. 

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