Monday, March 19, 2012

Sophs- Unit 8 Test- WWI

Chapter 19, sections 1-5

Study resources:
- Re-read chapter 19
- Study all notes
- Video sheet: Shell Shock
- Quiz- Sections 1 and 2
- WWI Europe Map
- WWI political cartoons

- Causes of WWI- both immediate and underlying- be able to explain
- Countries of the Central Powers and Allies
- Definition of stalemate and why it occurred
- Impact of modern warfare
- Why did America want to remain neutral at the start of the war?
- What three events led to America's war declaration?
- Impact of German u-boats and the Sussex Pledge
- Impact of the Zimmerman Note
- Impact of the Russian Revolution
- When did America officially enter WWI? (date)
- The Selective Service Act and AEF
- Convoy system
- How did America turn the tide of the war? (think Paris)
- When was an armistice declared by Germany? (date)
- What was the impact of the influenza epidemic?
- How many Americans were killed in WWI? Germans? British?
- What were liberty bonds?
- How did the government manage the economy during the war?
- What were price controls and rationing?
- Why was daylight savings time practiced?
- What was America's view of foreignors?
- Espionage Act and Sedition Act?
- How did social mobility for minorities and women change?
- Identify several of Wilson's Fourteen Points
- What was the League of Nations? Did America join?
- How was Europe redrawn after the war?
- In the end, what did the Versailles Treaty decide about Germany and raparations?

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